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tv   MSNBC - Democratic National Convention  MSNBC  July 28, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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speech is i think a sign of what we're about to see for 101 days. >> you're absolutely right. and it's among those moments, you know them when you hear them, that will live on past tonight. they will be repeated and sound bitten. here we are at the top of the hour, it will be 101 business days until americans go to the polls. we have debates to go, a campaign to go. we know our democratic nominee and our republican nominee. we have the most stark choice. i think it's fair to say that any of us can remember. >> we also have an unusual situation in terms of what's going to happen over the next several months. this is the earliest that the conventions have been since 1960. and election day is always the same time. we're about to have the longest
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general election since 1960. >> that's why we can't really look at any other year and kind of predict how this is going to play out, right? conventions were early. there's all this time left. one candidate is a former first lady. who -- and a former president will become first gentleman if she wins. and then the other candidate is donald trump. we have never had anything like this before. >> nobody has ever been in the trump category. >> or hers. they're both historic. >> the first woman. >> we're in unchartered waters. >> we have a balloon situation here. >> is there someone under there they're trying to find? >> is it safe if osha gets word of this. >> in cleveland, one of my single favorite things is seeing the people whose job it was to stab the balloons with a pointed
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stick. they seemed to be having too much fun with this, all balloons live, nobody seems to be killing the balloons. but -- >> no balloons were harmed. >> i can't be certain there aren't people under there. how do we find them? >> they've moved them to the front. >> what are people doing under there. >> this giant well of balloons. >> one other aspect of this which is unusual. is that hillary clinton you may remember at the beginning of this primary elected not to do large events. remember? we had a lot of really large events over the course of this primary. bernie sanders turning out 30,000 people at his rallies. donald trump turning out large numbers. never as many as he tweeted. hillary clinton did almost zero large events. she preferred instead to do her
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listening tour style events. only very small town halls. we've very rarely seen her in a really big room. it's not where she does her best work. as president, you don't get to decide what size of room to speak to. >> i'm glad one of our guests brought up how it looked. it was -- because things matter. it was expertly staged. secretary clinton looked good, she looked in command of the room all those things that we talk about that matter in a television medium. also in fairness, it's been a long time, months since she held a full blown press conference of any kind. >> 235 days. >> but who's counting. >> let's bring in our next guest. and that is new jersey
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democratic senator cory booker, one of the speakers we saw during this convention. thanks for being with us. >> great to be with you brian and rachel. >> you know new jersey politics, you know democratic politics. secretary clinton now the nominee knows national politics. yet you are up against an enemy no one has faced before, an opponent no one has seen the likes of before. does that unknown in this campaign ahead, where i know you're willing to get out and campaign your fair share, does that unknown scare you at some level? >> it has me really concerned. donald trump's ridiculous outrageous comments, demeaning, de grading, deceiving americans. he's causing international uncertainty and insecurity. you've seen people from latvia,
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estonia and britain having to react to his comments. this is a very dangerous man. baiting the russians to engage in espionage. all of these things means he presents a real danger to our nation in international order. i'm going to do everything i can to leave nothing -- take nothing for granted and get out there right away. i was up there with union members hitting the ground, hitting the streets, make sure we count every vote and get everyone to the polls. >> i've been thinking about the way the republican primary went. not just that donald trump won, that he beat all of those other politicians who seemed like much more likely nominees, but that he did it spending a lot less money than everyone else. not an organizing model that he
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be able to do it. the clinton campaign is great at running ads. the polls say the two of them are close. donald trump hasn't run any ads. are you at all worried that the democrats are running a traditional campaign and donald trump is running a guerrilla attempt he's done during the primaries. >> he's doing it. he's really reinventing in many ways a campaign based upon a personality, someone who has a lot of celebrity, but is puttings forth very little significance. this is working for him. we have to find a way to reveal what is behind that celebrity, and we have to do that by our messaging, our communications. this is also going to be a campaign of the basibasics, the numbers do favor hillary clinton
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in this campaign, we have to execute in the old fashioned way, i still know from my earliest campaigns, and old fashioned shoe leather. old fashioned door knocking. old fashioned organizing, still can't be beat, as much flair and light and the tempest and the tea pot that he is, can't undermine really what we have to do in terms of executing in this campai campaign. >> senator booker, mel wallace, we have a mutual friend, chris christie. i know one of your lasting legacies there was the bipartisan work you did. what do you think about the bar that you set and that president obama set in creating a safe haven in the democratic party for republicans who may not be on board with trump's dark and isolationist view of where the party needs to go? do you think that perhaps secretary clinton didn't
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underscore those messages that you and president obama delivered so artfully? >> i was encouraged today, when she talked about being a president for all of america, for people that voted for her and didn't vote for her. what i hear from donald trump is, if you're not on his team, you're an enemy. i want to shift where i was with secretary clinton in the campaign in the primary, and having conversations with her she seemed to have a keen understanding, even if we win back the senate, we hold the white house, we still have a divided government that's going to necessity compromise, pragmatism, and working together. she started off mentioning some of those themes in her speech. but i know just from our private conversations, that she's already thinking about how she's going to pass comprehensive criminal justice reform. and she understands it can't be done in a fully democratic way, we have to find allies across the aisle that i appreciate.
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donald trump has no capacity to even show humility. he talks about his faith, and i'm a christian as well. fundamental to faith is humility before something that's larger of you. if he doesn't think he's done anything to ask forgiveness for, it's not someone you see across the aisles. it may not have come through as much as you wanted in the speech, i heard her touch those things and i'm confident from my private conversations, that's the kind of president she's going to be. and she wants in this campaign disaffected voters from the republican party, we had a night where you heard bernie people trying to interrupt her, the one thing i saw here, is that all of us were under this tent, unlike the last convention, where 22 of my senate republican colleagues
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wouldn't even show up. where past presidents wouldn't even come. i love that we're all here opinion some friction when you have everyone pressed under one ten the. we're all here, that's the wonderful testimony, the big ten the that secretary clinton is looking for. she is the kind of person that wants all people, republicans, independents, democrats, that find the same fear of having someone like donald trump endanger the world as we know it, by being the commander in chief of this country. all those folks who want to stop that, and find a way we can govern together, then secretary clinton really is your person. >> senator cory booker of new jersey. i don't need to tell you, get on 95 for a little bit, walt whitman bridge, and you're home, it's safe. >> i don't understand why aren't
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you claiming jersey? you're a jersey boy. >> i'm telling you, just across the delaware river. >> amen to that. >> can we note that the beer has broken out on the floor? >> i saw beverages being consumed. well, they're adults, it's after midnight. >> it's beer owe clock. >> people fought and died for your right right there in that very city. this is by no means an endorsement of miller light. we want to take a little bit of a look back at where we've been in the last two hours, before we take a look forward with our presidential historian and author. let's look at a bit of the speech we just witnessed. >> for the past year, many people made the mistake of laughing off donald trump's comments, excusing him as an entertainer just putting on a show.
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they thought he couldn't possibly mean all the horrible things he says. like when he called women pigs or said that an american judge couldn't be fair because of his mexican heritage. or when he mocks and mimics a reporter with a disability or insults prisoners of war like john mccain, a hero and a patriot who deserves our respect. now, at first, i admit, i couldn't believe he meant it either. it was too hard to fathom, that someone who wants to lead our nation could say those things, could be like that, but here's the sad truth. there is no other donald trump. this is it. and in the end, it comes down to what donald trump doesn't get.
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america is great because america is good. >> while we were listening to that clip, we were handed a printed out list of the in order tweets in response by donald trump. >> when she said something about donald trump being baited by a tweet. everyone on twitter made the same joke at the same time. donald trump is locked in a bathroom while his staff is keeping his phone from him. >> i called a senior trump adviser, have you heard from him? he's acting a little erratic on this russia thing. he said, it's double edged. if you take him off the trail,
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all he does is tweet all day. >> no one has worse judgment than hillary clinton, corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. he's really going with the sunshine kind of theme. >> yeah, well -- happy guy. >> okay, michael is standing by to make some sense of this. not the balloons, but the history we have witnessed tonight. and michael, let's start there. i asked earlier if we could possibly put politics aside and recognize this as a cultural milestone we have witnessed. >> it is. no matter what happens in november or the next four years, this to americans is going to be the night that a major party in this country nominated a woman, that had not happened before, but one thing -- i always try brian to listen or hear -- look at something that hasn't happened before. hillary clinton in that speech, she was so proud and acknowledged the cultural moment
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that this has happened. that usually doesn't happen in presidential politics. for instance, john kennedy was the second catholic to be nominated by a major party. and not long ago, i went back to the acceptance speech to see how he talked about that, and it was very defensive, it was essentially saying, i hope that americans of good will will not vote against me because of my religious faith. he looked at it as a political problem. so it has been with women and presidential politics. 1984, geraldine ferraro was the first vice presidential candidate. it turns out that some of mondale's aids advised him, make sure there's as little contact between you and geraldine ferraro. don't hold your hands up in the air, people are still trying to deal with this. even hillary clinton 2008, for
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so much of that campaign, she said very little about the fact she would be the first woman if elected. we remember her talking about breaking that glass ceiling, but that was at the end of the campaign. one thing i think shows how much america -- how far we've come, even just in the last eight years is how proud she was of that this evening with no ambivalence. >> let's talk about extremes. republicans thought george mcgovern was just a flat out dangerous liberal, who was going to trade away the united states. democrats thought barry goldwater was a bomb throwing conservative. barry goldwater who today would be a moderate to center left republican. has there -- do you think the way democrats view donald trump the way donald trump views democrats, is that divide greater in constant dollars as they say than we've ever seen it? >> i think it is pretty much on
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the order of the two instances you mentioned, brian. which were not coincidentally two of the biggest presidential landslides in american history. nixon as you remember, 1972 said between me and george mcgovern, it's the clearest choice in a century. that was exaggerated, compared to that, the choice in 2016 is monumental. >> part of our friends and family, watching this, summing up what we've just witnessed, four day gathering of the democrats in philadelphia where it all started, that long hot summer. we have another long hot summer on our hands and we're just getting started, 17 minutes after the hour. we'll be right back with more.
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ask yourself, do you really think donald trump has the temperament to be commander in chief? >> no. >> donald trump can't even handle the rough and tumble of a presidential campaign. he loses his cool at the slightest provocation. when he's gotten a tough question, from a reporter, when he's challenged in a debate, when he sees a protester at a rally, imagine if you dare --
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imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> one of the quotes that will live on well past tonight as philadelphia is now the scene of a big party that will go on into tonight. among our friends and family and contributors watching along with us is veteran gop campaign strategist, steve schmidt. you've run and been affiliated and associated with a lot of campaigns. and here's my question about the fall. it's well planned out, there's a ground game on both sides. everyone's running to the point of exhaustion, it's five days out and god forbid there's an event. and we've all seen campaigns
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turn despite the best laid plans on an exogency at the last minute. this year, if there's going to be one doesn't the air feel electric? >> no doubt about it, we always prognosticate about what's going to happen on the events that have already occurred, not the events that have yet to occur. over the last couple months, the constancy of the terror attacks in europe, the united states, the mass shooting of police officers, mass shootings of civilian populations here, is that every week brings almost existential crisis to the american people. if one of those should happen in the last days of the election, it could swing the election for sure to either candidate. that is why when you look at the speech tonight, that hillary clinton delivered, there's
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something in it for every part of her coalition across the states that will determine the outcome of this election, to drive turnout, to take nothing to chance. >> and god forbid a million times goes without saying, i guess because we're in the business of covering said exogencies in this studio, in this building, they seem more real and more often. lawrence o'donnell, among your rolls, these last eight days has been to deal with the facts as delivered from the podiums. any facts that are as we say under review. do you have anything from tonight? >> yeah, there are a few things to look at. let's look at what hillary clinton said about appointing supreme court justices and dealing with citizens united. >> we need to appoint supreme
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court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights, not restrict them. and if necessary, we will pass a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens united. >> this introduces a complication in the senate nomination process. there would be a litmus test that the justices she would nominate would have to basically pledge to overturn citizens united. as to the constitutional amendment option, let's just remember that that requires a two thirds majority vote in the house. a two thirds majority vote in the senate. that's not likely to happen any time soon. and then you need 38 of the 50 states have to ratify it and some of us will recall that the
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e.r.a. was the last major amendment to get that far, got through congress and came up three states short in the time period it had to get ratified. it's a very hard and unlikely and long road to do that let's take a look at something else hillary clinton said. she invited us to do this, to look at her record, to show that she would be able to legislate the list of things that she talked about. >> look at my record. i've worked across the aisle to pass laws and treaties. and to launch new programs that help millions of people. >> it's not all that clear what she's talking about, the treaty she was talking about was the s.t.a.r.t. treaty in 2010. it's hard for the secretary of state to take credit for that. especially since it's handled by
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the senators themselves, the president is actively involved. 71 votes, made it clear it was not that hard a thing to pass. in terms of actual legislation that hillary clinton worked on in a bipartisan way in the united states senate and got passed, there really isn't anything. the only bill that she authored that went all the way and became law was the naming of a courthouse -- a federal court in new york. there really isn't a record there legislatively of her being able to do what -- by the way -- no one else has been able to do on the democratic side in recent times in the senate and that is work across the aisle to get anything done with republicans. >> lawrence o'donnell, some context on what we just witnessed tonight, thanks. we'll take a break, when we come back, our warriors seated at long last. the road warriors after eight total days countless hours of covering two conventions. that's them, they're huddled
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nominating conventions. we don't do it for anything else, right? >> they're pretty spectacular. >> we're going to drop balloons on election night in here. >> next tuesday 3:00 a.m. at brian's house. >> so it's not -- >> because we're close to hoboken you can almost hear francis albert singing, it's a quarter to 3:00, there's no one in the place but you and me. that's what our road warriors look like. you would just assume they're all hammered. they're not, they're so tired. >> totally sober. >> casey hunt, kelly o'donnell, kristen welker, after a total of eight days, thousands of miles, hundreds of hours covering conventions, kristen welker, what does it all me? >> this is the balloon and confetti version of road warriors. i think tonight was an historic
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night. it was the biggest speech of secretary clinton's career, she had a lot of goals at the outset, she wanted to humanize herself. kelly, what did you make of it? did she achieve what she set out to? >> two things that were very important. she allowed herself to show some emotion, a softer side, you felt the love she has for her daughter and her late mother. and she was tough without going to the extreme -- witheringly tough on donald trump. trying to reach out to a broad, oned the democratic party base, that's a hard thing to do, and she made the attempt. >> i think before the speech the clinton campaign was very clear that that was one of her key goals to reach out to all americans, how far did she go toward doing that do you think? >> i think it was back to basics, right? you have to remember there are a lot of people who haven't heard
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her give that speech. we've heard parts of that speech many, many times. she had a couple new sections, obviously, the historic nature of the night. for the most part, she was delivering her main message to a broader audience of americans. to a certain extent there's some serious calculation here. >> as someone who has not seen it many, many times. once or twice. she's a mom and from her daughter's perspective, a great mom, and she's a tough woman. you look around this arena, it still says stronger together all over the place here. that is the message that was reinforced. in the arkansas delegation where i was, i met people who have known her for 30 years and people who have never met her, they were all celebrating in the same way afton the. >> they wanted to personalize her. i really thought that the person who had the most emotional moment tonight was chelsea
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clinton. when she was coming off the stage, watching bill clinton's face. the pride there, the family watching her. i felt like all of it was tied up in that. and then it was followed more by pros. there was less emotion in hillary clinton's speech. >> chelsea is a reluctant public figure. i also thought it was interesting we knew protest was likely, it did come. there was more money spent on signs to sort of obscure the protests. they were there, we could hear them, they were shouting. they had their own homemade signs, it was not sufficient to derail the moment. really both sides won in that way. >> if you're actually in this arena, there were multiple outbursts from these protesters that you talk about, kelly. but as kelly maps out, what happened was, the broader audience overshadowed them time an time again. there was this remaining conflict. >> i think it's both, two
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things, the size of the protest, and the protesters, there were probably only a couple hundred people in an arena that seats 20,000 people? this this production was a tight production. way tighter than donald trump. this congress vengs, there wasn't a minute to breathe, every time something happened they were already on to the next thing. >> i kept thinking they were going to cancel some speaker because we were behind. they managed to keep to it, somehow, they made up some time, and the film was certainly a way to bring in a lot of her story, with some emotional touches and again bringing president obama into it, and the voice of morgan freeman. those things were effective. >> he narrates all of our lives? >> yes, exactly. we've seen her on the campaign trail. i was struck by talking to some
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of the delegates in the california section, where i spent a lot of the evening. the emotion they felt, there was a woman who told me she ran for city council, lost by 34 votes and was despondent about that, and she said, tonight, she was inspired and she's going to run again, because she thinks hillary clinton who's been knocked back sometimes in her life -- that was a very personal story i just heard moments ago. and it struck me. >> i think you're right in all of the analysis sometimes we forget to stop and recognize how huge this moment is in our history. i think what second clinton did tonight that was effective, she took a moment to really live in the history of what happened here. and when she said i accept your nomination for president, you know, as the first woman, the crowd went wild. >> i thought she was going to spend a little more time on it. if anything, the weight of that seemed to really fall the most right when she walked out on that stage. almost even more so than when
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she said the line, i accept the nomination. >> one of the lines that she left out, was i ran for president and lost. i don't know if it was at that moment she thought to herself, i'm going to celebrate this. i don't want to go back. that's something i got from seeing that happen. >> did this convention overall do anything to scale back her historically high unfavorable ratings? jacob, what do you think? >> like i said, to me, she comes out of here as a mother, we heard from her daughter in a way we don't normally hear from her. i remember earlier on in the campaign, chelsea clinton tried to dab el in the policy and it got problematic at times for her and to hear about hillary clinton, the woman and the mother, it just takes you to a different place from all these conversations we've been having this week. >> we got that from bill clinton too. in some ways, that's what stood out to me about hillary
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clinton's speech, it was different in tenor than everything that came before. you had this series of very emotional, very personal speeches, both on the family's side, from joe biden, also from president obama. >> she showed it in a measured way. >> we've been on the trail with her, and sometimes the moment -- she might be louder, to protect with the audience. it was a big room. very controlled in her delivery. and maybe her best argument is to disqualify donald trump in many ways and she did that. and she, the whole four days of this convention tried to put a good spin on being around for a while. >> i thought all the speeches wove together so well. which goes to your point about how highly choreographed this convention was. the other thing that struck me was how many points she hit donald trump. i expected her to hit donald trump. it was sort of a point by point takedown, which is a little unusual for a convention speech.
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>> in some ways it made the speech more about him than i anticipated. the weight of history in the room, the way women were responding to have this anti-donald trump speech. it jarred me at first, but it fell into a rhythm after a while. that's one thing she's comfortable doing on the campaign trail. >> if people don't trust either of them, she's trying to reinforce, do you want to trust him more or me more? with that, brian, rachel, we are not resting just yet. we have balloons and hillary clinton and tim kain are going on a road trip. we'll toss it back to you. >> your point about morgan freemen's voice, it is said in "ted 2." either by ted or mark walberg,
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i'd like to sleep on a bed made of your voice. >> there's no doubt about that. >> he's our national treasure, national that are ator, whether it's benning wins or political conventions, well done all, thank you our correspondents, our road warriors, casey hunt, kelly o'donnell. a break for us, just getting started. the live coverage from philadelphia continues right after this.
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a history maker tonight -- >> it never gets old that song. >> a history maker tonight. americans for the first time
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have the opportunity to vote for a woman for major party candidate. president of the united states. it is a big story, continues to be a big story, both here and where it unfolded tonight. we're going to stay at it in philadelphia. chris matthews has taken up his post. chris? >> i'm here at magellan's old ale house in philadelphia, for a special edition of hardball. that's going to go on for a while. hillary clinton accepted the nomination to become her party's candidate for president. the first time a woman will lead a major party ticket. tonight, secretary clinton reflected on the historic importance and the moment. >> tonight we've reached a milestone in our nation's march toward a more perfect union.
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the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for president. standing here as my mother's daughter and my daughter's mother, i'm so happy this day has come. after all, when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit. >> secretary clinton's summation, a well choreographed week of speeches. michelle obama certainly elevated the message on monday. bill clinton provided a strong character witness for his wife on tuesday. president obama passed the party baton with a personal endorsement wednesday. tonight, hillary clinton made the closing argument, it was a plain spoken summation of all the arguments against donald trump, including his temperament. >> just ask yourself, do you
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really think donald trump has the temperament to be commander in chief? donald trump can't even hand el the rough and tumble of a presidential campaign. imagine him in the oval office, facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> well, her ultimate damning assessment that donald trump doesn't get what the country great. here she is. >> for the past year, many people made the mistake of laughing off donald trump's comments. excusing him as an entertainer just putting on a show. here's the sad truth, there is no other donald trump. this is it. and in the end, it comes down to
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what donald trump doesn't get. america is great because america is good. >> joining me tonight, joy reed, chris hayes, howard fineman and michael steele, former republican chairman of the republican national committee. that's kind of appropriate. i have a sense having grown up here, there's an attitude in this room. >> there's an attitude. >> it may not be presidential to some of the liberal things we heard tonight. what did you think as an r. >> i thought this was the best republican convention i've been to in a long time. you know, i'm going to send a
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memo out tomorrow to reince, hey, review the tape and do this next time. no, this was a very well done, down the middle pitch by hillary clinton. there was a point, though, where she realized, oh, snap, democrats. i have to go against the republicans, and she shifted and turned it more into sort of a slam on republicans. less so on trump, and more on the broader message about -- >> i want to get to hillary clinton's speech in a minute. what i was dazzled about tonight is general allen. that speech was american as hel, gun ho. what everyone who joins the military wants as a commander. it was great. i thought the mother and father -- >> can i talk about them for a second. i thought, that moment, when the mother -- >> the father -- >> the father's there with this inflexion of an immigrant if you grew up in new york city like i
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did, that was your buddy's father's voice. >> you're a yankee kind of fan? >> i'm not, actually. and you're there and you're hearing this guy, he takes out and says, if you read the constitution, he takes it out of his pocket. i'll lend you a copy. donald trump, you have never sacrificed anything. you have sacrificed nothing or no one. i felt like everyone in that room was pinned back in their chair. that was an amazing -- >> what a job. >> let's go back to hillary for a second. i thought it was workman like, it was a speech. it didn't have any memorable -- one of the lines that's going to go in bartletts or something, give me liberty or give me death. i only have one life to give to my condition the. it was workman like, it was a summation, plain spoken. i'd call it that. >> here's the thing, not only did she make history by being nominated as the first woman to head a major party, she looked
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every inch a president on the stage tonight. and when she -- so she not only looked the part, but she acted the part, and i thought when she took on donald trump directly, and basically said, come on, buddy, she was every inch the president. and i think that's something -- that's a line that we've crossed and an achievement that we've reached that i'm not sure even she fully appreciates, but i think the world saw that. i agree with michael, it was brilliantly staged? no, it was not poetic, there was no irish lift of a driving dream in there. but when she said, as she has said before, if affordable child care and paid family leave is playing the woman's card, deal me in. okay i refer to facebook again, because i'm monitoring what they're monitoring, that was the most discussed line of the night on facebook.
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and i think that's very -- >> joy, i notice you're the woman here. i know, i was looking around, our executive producer, i knew she'd be terry eyed, verklempt. and she was. i think a lot of women my age, have been waiting for this for a long time. you're pretty young, though. did it grab you? >> yeah, i think for the first time. >> did you like that, pretty young? >> i appreciate that. i'll take it anyway i can get it. i think for the first time hillary clinton was able to connect people like me, who maybe were sort of studying and watching this, but not really emotionally connected to what she was doing, to create an emotional connection with her. i think she did that not by herself, but over the course of this four days. it was a brilliant piece of television, first of all. let's acknowledge it was well done. it was almost like an oscars telecast. and it built to an emotional crescendo, where at the end you bought hillary clinton as a president. you bought hillary clinton as fundamentally a mom and a
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grandma. and listen, it was the most methodist -- i was catholic for six years. then i was methodist. >> you were raised catholic. >> yeah, i was one of those people. it was a very methodist speech. it ended with a methodist minister who gave the benediction. she's isolated donald trump from the values of the republican party, the democratic party and america. and left him all alone out there. >> i've been waiting for this for a long time, following the democrats, i used to work with them. i've been waiting for them to be unabashedly patriotic. it took donald trump to push them over and say, we're not him. >> this is the patriotism of the world war ii movement. >> no, it's the -- >> what i'm saying, it's the gut patriotism. it's also patriotism as exemplified by the awry of people in the row boat and the life raft, during the world war
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ii navy movie. you had the italian guy and jewish guy. >> pretty face. >> yeah. and this was saying that that canned of tableau updated to 2016, is the most fundamentally american thing you can have. >> to me, it's a patriotism in opposition to edthnonationalism. there's this dualing battle over what is american many it's not people coming to this country, it's not muslims, it's this ethnically defined set of people. this four days trying to reconceptualize love of country in an age of sort of vanishing white majority. >> the challenge still remains she's got to translate that across the country. >> i agree. >> take it out into the middle of the can't where there's some resistan resistance. >> can i tell you tonight -- there was a lot of talk -- >> wait -- >> there was a lot of talking to
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them. >> he said, oh, hillary clinton says america's great, and people booed the idea that america is great. when did we get to the idea that republicans -- >> every one of these speeches is written by politicians for politicians. clinton should be a uniter, it should represent all americans. here she is, hillary clinton. >> i will be a president for democrats, republicans independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who don't. for all americans together. >> let's not start a fight here. i think they were smart, michael, in giving her three days distance from michelle obama. michelle gave the speech of her life monday.
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last night obama gave perhaps the speech of his life. they were the heavyweights this week, the two obamas by far. >> there's no doubt. there's no doubt. the problem that i thought hillary clinton would have coming into tonight was everything that led up to this moment. and i have to say, i think in some respects she was very effective in threading that needle a little better than i thought she would. obama handed off the baton to her, he said to her last night, this is my legacy, go forth with it. here's the question i have, in that hall tonight, don't know how it was covered outside the hall, there were certain moments where that tension still exists. that usa chant was not love of country, great speech, hillary, it was drowning out the bernie supporters saying no more war. there's that part of the speech that has to be reconciled. >> but at the same time -- >> not only no more war, but the fact that bernie sanders touched
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the core of economic anxiety in the middle class, and that i thought was the most disonent part of hillary's speech. >> i got a text from a die hard bernie sanders supporter who said, hillary won me over tonight. >> i thought that part of the speech was important, because she's able to give the sort of democrats for working people schpiel that is necessary. >> no more war, so they figured hillary. you can drown out no more war with hillary or usa. they should have come up with four syllables to go with hillary. we're just getting started on "hardball" today at magillans. [ tires screech ]
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